December 14, 2009


In november 2008 I carried out an ephemeral intervention selected in the emergent Art festival Alter- Arte in Murcia. “Poemas de la ausencia/ sociedad en olvido”, “Poems of the absence/ society in oblivion “, which was the title of the intervention, gave another support for the developing of the idea. Memories change. It disappears gradually in the cities.

 Buildings change, they fall down, they are demolished and then the injury arises, the presence leave traces, absence. Oblivion makes it disappear through the time. When the traces arise, memories remains and they appear as a written word form. Writing in rubble memory place is for me a different way to recover stories lost in oblivion. These absence poems try to wake people’s curiosity up about the changes and shapes which come up in the city after demolishing a house and the ideas that can come up from these facts. These are places that live in memory for reflexion.






Intervention in November 2008.


Intervention in 2009.

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